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Makings of a standout landing page

Landing pages have become a quintessential part of an organization’s digital success. These pages are essentially a lead generating machine for your business. Now, what makes landing pages so special is that you can track and specify what type of customers you want to onboard and engage in the most effective manner.

That being said, not all landing pages convert. The core task of a landing page is to ensure that it converts visitors to leads. The ones that have conversion rates are also the ones that have laid down the road for others to follow. After going through essentially a lot (about 52-57) of high converting landing pages, I have found a few commonalities that I find essential to a landing page’s success.

1. Short, simple, and specific copy

A standout landing page is to the point and crisp in getting out its message. That being the case, ensure that the copy of the landing page has simple words with to the point application. Anything that doesn’t relate to the service/product being offered can be omitted. The ideal word count for a landing page is 250-470 words.

The Shopify Facebook landing page has a very clear cut copy, giving its visitors a direct message.

2.Space and separate sections:

Having a cluttered landing page with content and elements is next to having no landing page at all. The content sections must be separate from each other. Separate sections should have content catered to the overall flow of content as per the goal of the page. Space in a landing page makes it more user friendly. It is an absolute must that it has NO navigation bar. Skipping the navigation menu on the landing page increases conversion.

3.Start off with your Call-to-action:

Your visitors should instantly know what your landing page is about, the moment they land on it. A Call to Action will prompt your visitors to opt for your offering. Start off with a clear and distinct Call-to-action. A smart way to incorporate a CTA is integrating it in a hero banner that says about a promise, value the visitors seek.

The CTA in the beginning of HYPE landing page says everything about what it has to offer.

TIP: The only clickable links on your Landing pages should be the CTAs.

4.Testimonials work like magic:

Having testimonials from your clients or customers who have opted for your product/service can add miles to the buyer’s purchase decision. A smart way to do this is either to have a picture of your client with their experience quoted or to display the work you’ve done using an image gallery carousel. You can also have the logos of your client’s business displayed to show who you have worked with.

Big Commerce website effectively shows their client base in their website.

So, if you’re pondering how to make your landing page convert make sure you have these aspects covered.


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